Bruschette al Lardo di Colonnata

Bruschette al Lardo di Colonnata is a traditional Italian dish that showcases the rich and indulgent flavors of lardo, a type of cured pork fat. This delicacy originates from the small town of Colonnata in the Tuscany region, where lardo has been produced for centuries using traditional methods. The lardo is aged within local marble containers, which gives it a unique and distinctive flavor.

Bruschette al Lardo di Colonnata

Prep Time:

15 mins

Additional Time:

1 hr

Total Time:

1 hr 15 mins




10 slices


1 clove garlic, halved, divided
1 pound cherry tomatoes, halved
1 bunch fresh rosemary, minced
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 pinch salt
1 loaf crusty Italian bread, sliced and toasted
7 ounces lardo (such as Lardo di Colonnata)
freshly ground pink peppercorns to taste


Step 1

Mince 1 of the garlic halves and transfer to a bowl. Add tomatoes, rosemary, olive oil, red pepper flakes, and salt; mix well. Refrigerate tomato mixture for 1 hour.

Step 2

Rub the remaining garlic half over each slice of bread. Spread lardo onto each slice and top with tomato mixture. Sprinkle ground pink peppercorns over tomato mixture.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)










To create Bruschette al Lardo di Colonnata, thin slices of lardo are placed on toasted bread and then lightly grilled to allow the fat to melt and infuse the bread with its rich flavor. The result is a delicious and indulgent appetizer that perfectly balances the richness of the lardo with the crunch of the toasted bread. This dish is often served as an antipasto, allowing diners to savor the luxurious taste of the lardo before moving on to their main course. Bruschette al Lardo di Colonnata is a beloved delicacy in Tuscany, and its irresistible combination of flavors and textures has made it a popular dish in Italian cuisine around the world.