Healthy Popcorn Treat

Popcorn is a beloved snack that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is light, crunchy, and can be customized with a variety of flavors to suit any taste preference. While traditional buttered or salted popcorn is a popular choice, there are also healthier options available for those who are looking for a guilt-free treat. Healthy popcorn treats are a great way to satisfy a craving for something crunchy and savory without consuming excessive calories or unhealthy ingredients.

Healthy Popcorn Treat

Prep Time:

10 mins

Cook Time:

10 mins

Total Time:

20 mins




Healthy Popcorn Treat
3 tablespoons coconut oil
¾ cup popcorn kernels
2 tablespoons honey, or more to taste
salt to taste
1 pinch ground cinnamon, or more to taste


Healthy Popcorn Treat

Step 1

Heat coconut oil in a large pot over high heat. Drop 3 popcorn kernels into hot oil and place a lid on the pot; cook until 1 kernel has popped. Remove the lid and pour in remaining popcorn. Return the lid to the pot and cook popcorn, shaking the pot back and forth over the burner, until there are 1 to 2 seconds between pops, about 5 minutes.

Step 2

Quickly transfer popcorn to a large bowl; evenly drizzle honey over popcorn. Add salt and cinnamon; toss popcorn with your hands to coat evenly.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)










Many people are surprised to learn that popcorn is actually a whole grain and is naturally low in calories. When prepared without excess butter or oil, it can be a nutritious and satisfying snack. Healthy popcorn treats often incorporate natural seasonings like herbs, spices, or nutritional yeast to add flavor without adding unnecessary fat or sodium. Additionally, air-popped popcorn is a great alternative to the microwave or stovetop varieties, as it eliminates the need for added fats. With the right ingredients and preparation methods, healthy popcorn treats can be a delicious and guilt-free snack option for anyone looking to maintain a balanced diet.