Quince Liqueur

Quince liqueur is a delectable and aromatic spirit that is made from the fruit of the quince tree. With its unique and complex flavor profile, quince liqueur has become a popular choice for those seeking something different from the typical fruit liqueurs on the market. The rich and sweet taste of quince pairs well with a variety of cocktails and can also be enjoyed on its own as a digestif.

Quince Liqueur

Prep Time:

30 mins

Additional Time:

28 days

Total Time:

28 days 30 mins




2 pounds ripe quinces
2 organic lemons
1 ½ quarts vodka
1 pound white sugar


Step 1

Rub quince with a kitchen towel really well until skin is smooth. Cut unpeeled quince into small cubes.

Step 2

Peel lemon zest into spirals with a thin peeler. Squeeze lemons and measure 3/4 cup lemon juice.

Step 3

Combine quince, lemon zest, lemon juice, vodka, and sugar in a large jar with a tight-fitting lid. All ingredients need to be completely covered with liquid. Keep in a warm place or on a sunny window sill for 4 weeks, shaking occasionally.

Step 4

Line a sieve with a damp cheesecloth and strain liquid. Use a wooden spoon to press as much liquid out of quince pieces as possible. Pour strained quince liqueur into sterilized bottles and seal. For best results, allow to mature for 6 weeks in a cool place.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)










Quince liqueur is made by infusing the fruit with alcohol and sugar, resulting in a smooth and luscious liqueur that captures the essence of the quince. The fruit itself is known for its fragrant aroma and slightly tart flavor, which translates beautifully into the liqueur. Whether enjoyed as a stand-alone drink or used as a key ingredient in cocktails, quince liqueur offers a delightful and sophisticated drinking experience that is sure to impress even the most discerning palate.