Fortune Cookies

Fortune cookies are a beloved tradition in Chinese cuisine, often served as a sweet treat at the end of a meal. These crisp, golden-brown cookies are known for containing a small slip of paper with a fortune or proverb inside. The origins of fortune cookies can be traced back to 19th-century Japan, where a similar cookie called tsujiura senbei was popular. However, the fortune cookie as we know it today is believed to have been created in California in the early 20th century, and they have since become a staple in Chinese restaurants around the world.

Fortune Cookies

Prep Time:

55 mins

Cook Time:

30 mins

Total Time:

1 hr 25 mins




1 dozen


Fortune Cookies
cooking spray
1 large egg white
⅛ teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup unbleached all-purpose flour
¼ cup white sugar
1 pinch salt


Fortune Cookies

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Generously grease two cookie sheets with cooking spray.

Step 2

Write fortunes on strips of paper about 4 inches long and 1/2 inch wide.

Step 3

Mix egg white and vanilla together in a bowl until foamy but not stiff. Sift in flour, sugar, and salt; stir until blended.

Step 4

Drop two spoonfuls of batter at least 4 inches apart onto one prepared cookie sheet. Tilt the sheet to spread batter into 3-inch-diameter circles.

Step 5

Bake in the preheated oven until cookies are pale in the center and golden on the outer 1/2-inch edge, about 5 minutes.

Step 6

Remove from the oven. Quickly lift one cookie with a wide spatula and place upside down onto a wooden board. Place a fortune on the cookie (close to the middle) and fold cookie in half around the paper. Place the folded edge over the rim of a measuring cup or coffee mug and pull the pointed edges down, one inside the cup and one outside. Place cookie into a muffin tin or egg carton to hold its shape as it cools. Repeat to form and fill the second cookie.

Step 7

While the first batch is baking in Step 5, repeat Step 4 to form two more cookies on the second cookie sheet. When you are shaping the first batch of baked cookies in Step 6, bake the second batch. Repeat until all cookies are baked and shaped.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)








The fortunes inside these cookies can range from lighthearted and humorous to deeply philosophical, and they are often seen as a source of entertainment and reflection. Some people even believe in the power of these fortunes to bring luck and prosperity. Whether enjoyed for their crunchy texture, sweet flavor, or the anticipation of what the fortune inside may reveal, fortune cookies have become an iconic symbol of Chinese cuisine and are a fun and memorable way to end a meal.