Are Tomatillos and Tomatoes the Same Thing?

Many people often confuse tomatillos with tomatoes, as both are small, round fruits that are commonly used in Mexican cuisine. However, tomatillos and tomatoes are actually two distinct types of produce with different flavors, textures, and uses in cooking. Tomatillos are often mistaken for unripe green tomatoes due to their similar appearance, but they belong to the nightshade family and are more closely related to cape gooseberries.

Are Tomatillos and Tomatoes the Same Thing?


Tomatillos are typically green or purple in color and are encased in a papery husk, whereas tomatoes come in a variety of colors including red, yellow, and green, and have a smooth, shiny skin. Additionally, tomatillos have a tangy, slightly acidic flavor and are commonly used in salsas, sauces, and stews, while tomatoes have a sweeter, more mellow taste and are used in salads, sandwiches, and as a base for pasta sauces. Understanding the differences between tomatillos and tomatoes is important for culinary enthusiasts looking to experiment with new flavors and ingredients in their cooking.