Caribbean Rum Punch

Caribbean Rum Punch is a classic and beloved cocktail that has been enjoyed for centuries in the tropical paradise of the Caribbean. This refreshing and flavorful drink is a staple at beach parties, barbecues, and gatherings throughout the islands, and has become a symbol of the laid-back and carefree lifestyle that the Caribbean is known for. The combination of sweet, tart, and boozy flavors makes it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Caribbean Rum Punch

Prep Time:

10 mins

Total Time:

10 mins




20 (4 ounce) servings


Caribbean Rum Punch
1 cup fresh lime juice
2 cups simple syrup
3 cups amber rum
4 cups orange juice
4 dashes bitters
freshly grated nutmeg


Step 1

In a pitcher, combine lime juice, simple syrup, rum and orange juice. Add a few dashes of bitters and some grated nutmeg to taste. Serve chilled over ice.


The origins of Caribbean Rum Punch can be traced back to the 17th century when the British Navy sailors brought rum from the Caribbean back to England. The sailors mixed the strong and potent rum with water, sugar, and citrus juice to create a refreshing and flavorful drink that became known as "punch." Over time, the recipe evolved to include different variations of fruit juices, spices, and flavors, but the core ingredients of rum, sugar, and citrus remained the same. Today, Caribbean Rum Punch is enjoyed in many different variations, but the essence of the drink remains the same - a delicious and intoxicating blend of rum and tropical flavors that embodies the spirit of the Caribbean.