Hot Chocolate - South American Style

Hot chocolate has been a beloved beverage in South America for centuries, with each country adding its own unique twist to the traditional drink. In countries like Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, hot chocolate is not just a comforting drink, but a cultural tradition that is enjoyed throughout the year. South American-style hot chocolate is known for its rich and creamy texture, as well as its unique ingredients and preparation methods.

Hot Chocolate - South American Style

Prep Time:

5 mins

Cook Time:

20 mins

Total Time:

25 mins




4 cups


Hot Chocolate - South American Style
¼ cup white sugar
¼ cup Dutch process cocoa powder
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 cup water
1 red bell pepper, seeded and sliced into strips
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons cherry brandy


Step 1

In a saucepan over low heat, stir together the sugar, cocoa powder and chili powder. Cook and stir for 5 minutes. Add water and bell pepper strips, and mix well. Bring to a simmer, and stir in milk. When the mixture is heated to your liking, remove the pepper strips with a slotted spoon. Add cherry brandy if using, and serve.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)










One of the key differences in South American-style hot chocolate is the use of real chocolate rather than cocoa powder. This results in a more indulgent and velvety beverage, often made with a combination of milk, heavy cream, and sweetened condensed milk. Additionally, South American hot chocolate often incorporates spices such as cinnamon and cloves, adding a warm and aromatic flavor to the drink. In some regions, it is also common to add a hint of heat with a touch of chili pepper, giving the hot chocolate a unique and complex flavor profile. Whether enjoyed on a cold winter night or as a mid-afternoon treat, South American-style hot chocolate is a delicious and comforting beverage that reflects the rich culinary traditions of the region.