Flaming Doctor Pepper

Flaming Doctor Pepper is a popular and unique drink that has gained a strong following in the world of mixed drinks. This fiery concoction is not for the faint of heart, as it involves setting a shot of amaretto and rum on fire before dropping it into a glass of beer. The resulting explosion of flavors and excitement has made Flaming Doctor Pepper a favorite at parties and bars around the world.

Flaming Doctor Pepper

Prep Time:

5 mins

Total Time:

5 mins




1 cup beer
1 fluid ounce amaretto liqueur
¼ fluid ounce 151 proof rum


Step 1

Fill a pint glass half full with beer.

Step 2

Pour amaretto into a standard shot glass; pour rum on top so that it floats.

Step 3

Light the shot on fire; carefully drop the lit shot into the half-full glass of beer and drink.


The origins of the Flaming Doctor Pepper are somewhat mysterious, with various stories and legends surrounding its creation. Some say it was invented by a group of college students looking to create a memorable drink, while others claim it was first served at a bar in the South. Regardless of its origins, the drink's popularity has continued to grow, with many people now incorporating it into their own cocktail repertoire. Whether enjoyed for its unique flavor or the thrilling spectacle of the flaming shot, Flaming Doctor Pepper is a drink that is sure to leave a lasting impression.