Bridal Shower Punch

Bridal showers are a time-honored tradition that celebrates the upcoming wedding of a bride-to-be. These events are often filled with love, laughter, and of course, delicious food and drinks. One popular beverage choice for bridal showers is the refreshing and flavorful Bridal Shower Punch. This delightful punch is not only a crowd-pleaser, but it also adds a touch of elegance and festivity to any bridal shower.

Bridal Shower Punch

Prep Time:

5 mins

Total Time:

5 mins




Bridal Shower Punch
1 pint raspberry sorbet
1 (2 liter) bottle lemon-lime soda


Step 1

Spoon the sorbet into the bottom of a punch bowl. Slowly pour the soda over the sorbet. Use the back of a spoon to soften the sorbet until combined. Serve.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)






Bridal Shower Punch is a versatile drink that can be customized to suit the theme and tastes of the bride and her guests. Whether it's a fruity and vibrant punch for a springtime shower or a more sophisticated and bubbly concoction for a formal affair, this drink can be tailored to fit any bridal shower. With its beautiful presentation and delicious taste, Bridal Shower Punch is the perfect addition to any celebration of love and unity. So, raise a glass and toast to the bride-to-be with a glass of this delightful punch, and let the festivities begin!