This Avocado Storing Hack Is More Dangerous Than You'd Think

This Avocado Storing Hack Is More Dangerous Than You'd Think

Avocados have become a staple in many households due to their delicious taste and numerous health benefits. However, keeping avocados fresh and ripe can be a challenge, leading many to search for the best storage solutions. One popular "hack" that has been circulating on social media involves storing avocados in a plastic bag with a piece of onion to prevent them from turning brown. While this method may seem convenient, it's important to realize that it can actually be more dangerous than you'd think.

The Dangers of Storing Avocados with Onions

While the idea of using an onion to keep avocados fresh may sound like a clever trick, it's important to consider the potential risks involved. Onions release ethylene gas, a natural plant hormone that promotes ripening and can cause other fruits and vegetables to spoil more quickly. When an avocado is stored in close proximity to an onion, it can absorb the ethylene gas and ripen at a faster rate than desired, leading to overripe and mushy avocados.

Furthermore, onions have a strong odor that can easily transfer to other foods, including avocados. This can result in avocados with an unpleasant onion flavor, ruining their natural taste and making them unappetizing to eat. Additionally, the moisture and odor from the onion can seep into the avocado, potentially causing it to spoil more quickly and become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Safe and Effective Avocado Storage Alternatives

Instead of using the risky method of storing avocados with onions, there are safer and more effective alternatives to keep them fresh and ripe for longer periods of time. One popular method is to store avocados in the refrigerator. Once an avocado has ripened to your desired level of softness, simply place it in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process. This can help extend the shelf life of the avocado for several days, allowing you to enjoy it at your convenience.

Another effective way to store avocados is by using lemon or lime juice. The citric acid in these fruits can help prevent avocados from turning brown by slowing down the oxidation process. Simply coat the exposed flesh of the avocado with a thin layer of lemon or lime juice before storing it in an airtight container or wrapping it in plastic wrap. This method can help keep avocados fresh and vibrant for a longer period of time.

Additionally, there are specially designed avocado storage containers available on the market that can help prolong the freshness of avocados. These containers are designed to keep air and moisture out, preventing avocados from spoiling too quickly. They are a convenient and reliable option for those who frequently enjoy avocados and want to ensure they stay fresh for as long as possible.


While the idea of using an onion to keep avocados fresh may seem like a clever hack, it's important to be aware of the potential dangers and drawbacks associated with this method. Instead, consider safer and more effective alternatives such as storing avocados in the refrigerator, using lemon or lime juice, or investing in a specialized avocado storage container. By taking the necessary precautions, you can ensure that your avocados stay fresh, ripe, and delicious for as long as possible.