The Fruit You Never Thought to Peel Is Actually the One You Should

The Fruit You Never Thought to Peel Is Actually the One You Should

The Fruit You Never Thought to Peel Is Actually the One You Should

When it comes to fruit, most people are used to simply washing and biting into it without giving much thought to whether or not it should be peeled. However, there is one fruit that you may have never considered peeling, but should definitely start doing so: kiwifruit.

Why Should You Peel a Kiwifruit?

Kiwifruit is a small, fuzzy fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor. Most people are accustomed to eating it by cutting it in half and scooping out the flesh with a spoon, skin and all. However, by doing so, they are missing out on the numerous health benefits that come from eating the skin of a kiwifruit.

The skin of a kiwifruit is actually full of nutrients and fiber. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science, the skin of a kiwifruit contains three times the amount of fiber compared to the flesh. It also contains high levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidants. By peeling a kiwifruit, you are essentially stripping away all of these valuable nutrients.

How to Properly Peel a Kiwifruit

If you have never peeled a kiwifruit before, it may seem like a daunting task. However, it is actually quite simple. To peel a kiwifruit, start by rinsing it under cold water to remove any dirt or debris from the skin. Next, use a paring knife to carefully slice off both ends of the kiwifruit. Then, use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin in a downward motion, making sure to remove as little flesh as possible. Once the skin is removed, you can slice the kiwifruit into rounds or wedges, or simply eat it as is.

Other Ways to Enjoy Kiwifruit

In addition to eating kiwifruit with the skin on, there are many other creative ways to enjoy this nutritious fruit. You can add sliced kiwifruit to your morning bowl of oatmeal or yogurt, blend it into a smoothie, or use it as a topping for pancakes or waffles. Kiwifruit can also be used to make a delicious salsa to serve with grilled fish or chicken, or as a sweet and tangy addition to a summer salad.

Another popular way to enjoy kiwifruit is by turning it into a refreshing sorbet. Simply peel and slice several kiwifruit, then freeze them until they are firm. Once frozen, blend the kiwifruit with a splash of lemon juice and a bit of honey until smooth. The result is a creamy and tangy dessert that is perfect for a hot summer day.


While it may seem unconventional to peel a kiwifruit, doing so can provide you with a wealth of nutrients and fiber that you would otherwise miss out on. By incorporating the skin of a kiwifruit into your diet, you can boost your intake of vitamins and antioxidants, and improve your overall health. So, the next time you reach for a kiwifruit, don't be afraid to leave the skin on and enjoy all of the benefits it has to offer.